Sill no housing

Sill no housing

Season 9 Episode 32 Community activists attack the government for not delivering on their endless promises for better housing. They expose the rampant corruption that infests the whole housing problem and explain how they are educating and mobilising people to demand...
What is black?

What is black?

Season 9 Episode 30 UWC students debate about what being black means.Is the apartheid mindset still alive and kicking? Are coloureds black or are they generally perceived as different?” Being black is the matter of our lived experience…It’s how we...
The redistribution of our land

The redistribution of our land

Season 9 Episode 27 In this last in a series of five films, 6 activists from Equal Education express their frustration in how resources are distributed in the South African economy and why the land question is so much broader than housing. They feel that the class...
Politics in education

Politics in education

Season 9 Episode 26 In this fourth film in a series of five films, 6 activists from equal education unpack how politics always seems to come before the people and how the minster of basic education is no exception. They believe it is time for a systematic change,...
Decolonizing the curriculum

Decolonizing the curriculum

Season 9 Episode 25 In this third in a 5 part series on the education system in South Africa we hear from 6 activists who are passionate about decolonising the education system in order to create a more equal and just society. Join the conversation!
Inequality in education

Inequality in education

Season 9 Episode 24 In this second in a 5 part series on the state of education in South Africa six young activists from Equal Education unpack how the education system in South Africa does not provide the black working class with the basic education needed to get...