In August we celebrate the strength and courage of the thousands of South African women who marched in protest against Apartheid Pass Laws. Their influence still impacts our country today. With Women’s Day in mind, the Street Talk team has been working hard to bring you the issues that matter most in our diverse society. Here’s just a taste of what you can expect in our upcoming episodes:
Women Talk Books
In our fast paced modern world, books seem ancient, seemingly only able to hold the attention of bored housewives, and pubescent romantics. Four women, each with a life changing experience with books, talk about why reading is essential in our multimedia society.
[fancygallery id=”9″ album=”343″]Women in Business
Women’s role in society is slowly shifting from the domestic to the commercial, but the transition has not been easy; cultural and social conditioning to blame? In Woman Up! Four businesswomen talk about their experience of climbing the corporate ladder whilst maintaining house and home.
[fancygallery id=”9″ album=”344″]Hip Hop Generation
Hip Hop music has come a long way since its birth in 1970s New York, and still influences and impacts youth on a global scale today. Music is a universal language, open to personal interpretation. Four young Hip-Hop loving fellas tell us how Hip Hop music has influenced their views.
[fancygallery id=”9″ album=”346″]Lufefe’s Loaves
Lufefe Nomjani is a self-made man; with a huge vision and big dreams, along with a sincere mission to make his community healthier. Lufefe is the founder of Espinaca Innovations, a bakery specializing in spinach bread. We spent the day with Lufefe to see exactly what it takes to be an entrepreneur in Mzansi.
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