Season 10 Episode 1 Members of the Africa Unite organization discuss their views and apprehension towards the fatal, unruly and unjustifiable act of mob justice and its impact on society Join the conversation!
Season 9 Episode 50 We sat down with former street dwellers and discussed their journey from stability to the streets. Real, raw and regrettable. A big thank you to The Hope Exchange for their aid. Join the...
Season 9 Episode 45 “When I see a coloured guy I see a gangster, when I see a coloured female I see a gangster because if she’s not a gangster her boetie (brother) is a gangster” Thando Fikelepi A small group of residents from Delft unpack the...
Season 9 Episode 46 Ladies in their sixties reminisce about the bad old days of apartheid and talk about what has changed since then. ” If you made a video of people’s lives back then you would weep ” ” In 1967 I was pregnant and hiding from...
Season 9 Episode 44 “We are more than 20 people living in one shack and the city of cape town came and gave us only 7 zinc,8 poles and a packet of nails.What can we do with that” Catherine Le-Roux “Enough is enough! We waited for too long hoping that...
Season 9 Episode 42 Young community activists argue as to whether one’s vote counts or not… ” I am an activist, fighting for people’s rights but I don’t think I am going to vote….” Zintle Hashe ” The government is meant...